
Nizoral: SKU Extension

Aurium supported Nizoral’s growth by expanding the brand product portfolio.





Nizoral is an over-the-counter shampoo, clinically proven to fight against dandruff with Ketoconazole. During our partnership with Nizoral, Aurium embarked on a strategic journey, leveraging our expertise in brand management and market insights, to revitalize and expand the renowned brand’s market presence.

Our Work

Aurium identified opportunities for growth and expansion based on an analysis of market trends and consumer preferences. Our team explored SKU extensions to diversify Nizoral’s product portfolio and tailer to a broader spectrum of consumer haircare needs. Through meticulous research and product development, Aurium successfully introduced new products and new formats under the Nizoral umbrella, offering consumers a comprehensive range of anti-dandruff solutions.


As a result of Aurium’s dedicated efforts, the Nizoral brand experienced significant growth and expansion, cementing its position as a market leader in the anti-dandruff category. Through innovation, strategic planning, and commitment to excellence, Aurium successfully managed and nurtured the Nizoral brand.



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